'rel'='cononical'/> Foods Fight Cancer

Foods Fight Cancer


Taking on a Lot of Cancer

While the right combination of foods may be able to make a difference, no single food can prevent cancer. At least two-thirds of your meals should consist of plant-based foods, and no more than one-third should contain animal protein. The American Institute for Cancer Research asserts that this "New American Plate" is an essential tool in the fight against cancer. Consider the best and worst options for your plate.

Using Color to Fight Cancer

Cancer-fighting nutrients are abundant in fruits and vegetables, and the more colorful they are, the more nutrients they contain. When you reach and keep a healthy weight, these foods can also help lower your risk in a second way. Multiple cancers, including those of the kidney, esophagus, and colon, are increased by excess weight. Consume a wide variety of vegetables, particularly those that are dark green, red, or orange.

The Breakfast to Beat Cancer

Folate, which occurs naturally, is an essential B vitamin that may assist in the prevention of breast, rectum, and colon cancers. It is abundantly available on the breakfast table. Whole-wheat and fortified breakfast cereals are excellent sources of folate. Orange juice, melons, and strawberries are also included.

More Foods High in Folate

Eggs and asparagus are two additional great sources of folate. It can also be found in beans, sunflower seeds, and green leafy vegetables like romaine lettuce and spinach. Consuming sufficient quantities of fruits, vegetables, and enriched grain products is the best way to obtain folate, rather than taking a pill. A supplement should be taken by women who are pregnant or may become pregnant to ensure that they get enough folic acid to help prevent certain birth defects.

Don't go to the Deli Counter

If you indulge occasionally in a hot dog or Reuben sandwich at the ballpark, you will not harm yourself. However, reducing your intake of processed meats like hot dogs, ham, and bologna can lower your risk of colorectal and stomach cancer. Additionally, consuming meats that have been preserved with salt or smoking increases your exposure to chemicals that have the potential to cause cancer.

Tomatoes, which Fight Cancer

It is unclear whether this is due to lycopene-the pigment that gives tomatoes their red color or something else. Tomato consumption, on the other hand, has been linked in some studies to a lower risk of prostate cancer and other types of cancer. Additionally, studies indicate that processed tomato products like paste, sauce, or juice have a greater potential to fight cancer.

The Anticancer Potential of Tea

Even though there is still limited evidence, tea, particularly green tea, may be potent in fighting cancer. Green tea has been shown to slow or stop the growth of cancer in cells from the colon, liver, breast, and prostate in laboratory studies. Additionally, it had a similar effect on skin and lung tissue. Additionally, in some longer-term studies, tea was linked to a lower risk of pancreatic, stomach, and bladder cancer. However, before tea can be recommended as a cancer fighter, additional human research is required.

Cancer and Grapes

Resveratrol can be found in grape juice and grapes, particularly red and purple grapes. Strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are found in resveratrol. It has prevented the kind of damage that can start the cancer process in cells in laboratory studies. There is insufficient evidence to suggest that grapes, wine, grape juice, or taking supplements can treat or prevent cancer.

Reduce Your Risk of Cancer by Cutting Back on Alcohol

Drinking alcohol is linked to cancers of the mouth, throat, larynx, esophagus, liver, and breast. Additionally, drinking alcohol may increase the risk of colon and rectum cancer. The American Cancer Society advises against drinking, but if you must, keep your intake to no more than one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men. Based on their individual risk factors, women who are at a higher risk for breast cancer might want to talk to their doctor about the safest amount of alcohol they can consume.

Protective Properties of Fluids Like Water

In addition to quenching your thirst, drinking water may also protect you from bladder cancer. The lower risk is caused by water-diluting bladder concentrations of agents that could cause cancer. Additionally, increasing your fluid intake increases your frequency of urination. Because of this, the amount of time that those agents remain in contact with the bladder lining decreases.

The Powerful Bean

Since beans are so good for you, it should come as no surprise that they might also help fight cancer. They have a number of potent phytochemicals in them that may shield the cells in the body from damage that could cause cancer. These substances prevented tumors from releasing substances that harm nearby cells and slowed tumor growth in the laboratory.

Cancer and the Cabbage 

Cruciferous vegetables incorporate broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, and kale. These cabbages are great in stir fries and can really bring life to a salad. But the most important thing is that some of these vegetables may help your body protect itself from cancers of the cervix, breast, lung, and colon. While human studies have yielded mixed results, laboratory research has been promising.

Dark-Green Vegetables with Leaves

Dim green verdant vegetables, for example, mustard greens, lettuce, kale, chicory, spinach, and chard have a wealth of fiber, folate, and carotenoids. The mouth, larynx, pancreas, lungs, skin, and stomach may be protected from malignant growth with the assistance of these supplements.

Protection Against a Strange Spice

Curcumin, a potential cancer fighter, is the primary component of the spice turmeric. It can inhibit the transformation, proliferation, and invasion of cancerous cells in a variety of cancers, according to laboratory studies. Human research is ongoing.

How you Cook matters

The cancer risk of meat can be affected by how it is cooked. When meats are fried, grilled, or broiled at very high temperatures, chemicals form that may make people more likely to get cancer. There appear to be fewer of those chemicals produced by other cooking methods like stewing, braising, or steaming. When you stew the meat, don't forget to add a lot of nutritious vegetables.

A Punchy Berry Medley

Ellagic acid is a phytochemical in raspberries and strawberries. This strong cell reinforcement may really battle disease in more than one way immediately, including deactivating specific malignant growth-causing substances and easing back the development of malignant growth cells. However, there is not yet sufficient evidence to suggest that it can combat cancer in humans.

Benefits of Blueberries

Blueberry's potent antioxidants may have numerous health benefits, starting with cancer prevention. By eliminating free radicals from the body before they can cause damage to cells, antioxidants may aid in the fight against cancer. However, more study is required. Blueberries can be added to oatmeal, yogurt, cold cereal, and even salad to increase your intake of these nutritious berries.

Give up the Sugar

Sugar may not directly cause cancer. However, it might replace other foods high in nutrients that help prevent cancer. Additionally, it raises calorie intake, which contributes to obesity and overweight. Cancer can also be caused by excess weight. Fruit is a healthy alternative that also tastes good.

Avoid Taking Supplements

Vitamins may aid in cancer prevention. However, you get them naturally from food at that time. The American Institute for Cancer Research and the American Cancer Society both stress the importance of getting cancer-fighting nutrients from foods like nuts, fruits, and green leafy vegetables rather than from supplements. It is best to consume a healthy diet.

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